Sunday, July 16, 2006

Doing Something Right? Thanks...

There are bloggers out there who like this blog enough to link here, though most of them never link to specific posts nor leave comments.... I'm grateful, but a bit mystified. The order is (roughly) the same order in which I noticed the linkage.

David at Life After Breakfast is a veteran teacher of what my school called "Language Arts" (that probably dates me very specifically) with a progressive Quaker perspective and healthy attitude.

Brandon at Julius Speaks is the proprietor of the Radical Progressive Carnival and, like me, an incorrigable poster of song lyrics.

Jefe at (formerly here) is a witty and warm-hearted sort, Christian and hip. Something like that, anyway.

Jeremy Boggs at Clioweb (also Revise and Dissent) is one of those people redefining the cutting edge of technology in history pedagogy. Nice guy, too.

Jon Swift does great satires. Every day. I'm lucky if I'm funny once in a while....

Paktorowicz and Levery at 91st Place have a strong interest in Jewish history and anti-semitism. Not a fast-paced blog, but substantial.

Jonathan Wilson, aka the Elfin Ethicist, is one of the more interesting historical/theological bloggers out there. Very smart fellow, with a great eye for material.

Finally, as a thank-you to all those other folks who's blogging has informed, inspired, entertained or productively infuriated me, a gratuitous but obscure repetition of my blogroll.


Sour Duck said...

Hi Ahist - long time no... comment.

I love your asteriks linkage at the end. This post will provide some online fun.

Hope you're doing alright.



Ahistoricality said...
