Sunday, May 27, 2007

Taking a hiatus from my hiatus

I should note here that I've been doing a little ahistoricality blogging over at Progressive Historians. I got roped into volunteered to take over some of the Open Thread posting while the owner and regular host, Nonpartisan, was taking a break. I'm "on duty" for the rest of the week, so come over and see what's doing. I'm really enjoying being part of the PH community as a commenter, and the Open Threads are free-form enough that I can get away with it....

Here's a direct link to my "diaries" -- that's what posts are called in this dKos-style collective blog environment -- which are a mishmash of historical thoughts. Not too different from the kind of stuff I was posting here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun at Progressive Historians. Thanks for sharing my concern over the recent spate of veteran memorial/flag/grave desecrations. I hope it is just a few isolated, stupid kids involved. However, I there is a meanness to it that makes me suspect overwise.