Your Score: Orpheus
0% Extroversion, 66% Intuition, 72% Emotiveness, 71% Perceptiveness
You are an artist, an aesthete, a sensitive, and someone who has never really let go of that childlike innocence. To you, all of life has a sense of wonder in it, and the story of Orpheus was written about someone just like you.
When the Argo passed the island of the Sirens, Orpheus played a song more beautiful than the Sirens to prevent the crew from becoming enticed. When his wife died, he ventured into the underworld to charm Hades but, in his naivete, he looked back becoming trapped there.
You can capture your unique world view and relate it to others with the skill of a master storyteller. Your sensitivity and creativity make you a treasure to the human race, but your thin-skinned nature and innocence can cause you a lot of disenchantment and pain. What's doubly unfortunate is that, if you try to lose those traits, you never will, and everyone will be able to tell that you're putting up an artificial shell to prevent yourself from being hurt.
Famous people like you: Hemingway, Shakespeare, Mr. Rogers, Melville, Nick Tosches
Stay clear of: Icarus, Hermes, Atlas
Link: The Greek Mythology Personality Test [via] |
You Scored an A |

You scored as Augustus, You are Augustus! First emperor of the Romans and one of the greatest statesmen in the ancient world. You brilliantly eased the old Republic into the Principate and set the path for an empire that would last for centuries and form the underpinnings for all western civilization. Hail Caesar!
Which Roman Emperor Are You? created with [via] |
You scored as General George McClellan, Beloved by your men and respected by your peers, you are the architect of the grand Army of the Potomac. Too bad you don't like to let it, you know, fight and stuff. I'd be lying if I said I knew where your head was at.
Which American Civil War General are you? created with [via] |
$4790.00 [via]
But a 70% Sherman rating! Keep at it, there is always room for improvement.
It's kind of an odd result: You came out with Sherman on top, and a very low McClellan rating, which is more like what you'd expect given how different they are.
I was more surprised by the Augustus Caesar result, frankly, though it's a result I've gotten before on similar quizzes. I just don't think of myself as a transformational usurper....
You rock! I haven't laughed like this in a couple days.
I'm Pan, they nailed me!
My cadaver is worth $5375 (kewl)
Thanks so much, this was great fun!
Anytime you're in the mood for more, check out my collection!
The philsophy test was a bit disappointing. Very short.
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